R^2mark (Radiosity + Ray-tracing = multi-pass) mark

Downloading, Compiling and Running this Benchmark

In Japanese : Nihongo ha koko Most recent update :



We need next requirements for compiling and running R^2mark.

You need C++ compiler (we use g++ 2.7.2 or egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release))

Compiling R^2mark

Please set `mpirun' command of the mpich in your path for compiling parallel version of R2mark. The `configure' program searches `mpirun' command and may find headers and libraries for MPI. If you did not set this, configure may ask it to you. Anyway, if you do not need the parallel version, you do not need anything.

  1. Unpack the tar.gz file. This is common procedure of C++ and Java version. Once you do this C++ version and Java version source code is unpacked.
    gunzip R2mark-[release number].tar.gz
    tar xvf R2mark-[release number].tar
  2. Compile :

    We define the directory R2mark-[release number] as ${R2markHOME}.

    cd ${R2markHOME}
    make r2mark
  3. If you want to a sub package only,
    1. C++ version compiling : If you do not need C++ version, goto Java version compiling
      cd ${R2markHOME}/C++
    2. Java version compiling First, you have to build mpiJava. and build the Java version of R2Mark.
      cd ${R2MARKHOME}/Java/jp/ac/tohoku/is/archi/mpi2;
  4. Optional Test : In this optional test, created rendering images are not so good, since these are just for tests.

Sample result

For executing optional test, it takes time abound as below.

  1. Minimal Test. Serial version.(test 1)
  2. Small Test. Serial version. (test 2)
  3. Parallel Test. (test 3)

The test environment is

Parallel result is very bad relative to serial one on the same scene, because this test is executed on one processor machine. If you run this program on one processor machine, task switch overhead and cache replacement overhead is very high. In Test 3, CPU time is only one minute.


This benchmark includes some scripts for benchmarking. These scripts are under ${R2markHOME}/benchscript. The directory structure is next.

${R2markHOME} --+- benchscript ----+ parallel ----+ C++  ---+---- conf
                                   |              |         +---- office
                                   |              |         +---- soda
                                   |              |
                                   |              + Java ---+---- conf
                                   |                        +---- office
                                   |                        +---- soda
                                   + serial   ----+ C++ 
                                                  + Java

I prepare,

Most easy way to run the benchmarks.

This benchmark takes a long time to run. At Sun UltraII330Mhz, scene conf with accuracy under C++ version takes more than 1 day. (However, scene office with test takes only a few minutes.)

Copyright (C) 2000 YAMAUCHI Hitoshi
Most recent update :