Khan academy translator support tools

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How to translate Crowdin without Crowdin editor

How to translate the string at local. We can use your favorite editor/tool for translation if you work on po file. Maybe this is not a majority use case, but you could see some patterns in the text, for example, some of the exercises. In that case, we can use regex replacement to effectively work on the translation.

  1. Plan who translate which po file. Do not duplicate the task.
  2. Choose which po file to translate. In this example, I choose the ""
  3. Download the po file. (Menu: File-Download)
    crowdin download po file 1
    Figure 3.1. Download a po file: choose download

    Then, save the po file to your local disk.

    crowdin download po file 2
    Figure 3.2. Download a po file: save to your local disk

    Choose the save location.

    crowdin download po file 3
    Figure 3.3. Download a po file: Choose the save location
  4. A po file is looks like the following.
    crowdin po file 1
    Figure 4.1. downloaded po file example
  5. You can remove the context. The context line always started with #. Therefore, you can remove them by hand, or, for instance, use the grep command:
         grep -v ^# >
    The result looks like the following.
    crowdin po file 1
    Figure 5.1. po file without context lines
  6. Remove already translated lines.

    The po file has a set of a pair ``msgid'' and ``msgstr''. msgid is the identifier of which string and msgstr is each language translation. For example, a already translated Japanese entry is:

         msgid "Fractions, decimals, and percentages"
         msgstr "分数、小数、およびパーセント"

    This has been already translated, so we can remove them first. The result file looks like the following. Also please compare the crowdin window. You see the same untranslated entries in the both.

    Updated: 2015-8-6(Thu) I wrote a filter to do this process.

    crowdin po file 1
    Figure 6.1. po file un-translated entries only
    crowdin po file 1
    Figure 6.2. corresponding Crowdin window un-translated entries only

  7. Translate only the msgstr contents.

    Now you can translate with your own editor. You can translate strings without Crowdin editor now. So we are free from the current slowness problem.

    Here is an example:

         msgid "Expressions, equations, and inequalities"
         msgstr "Expressions, equations, and inequalities"
    Translated (to Japanese):
         msgid "Expressions, equations, and inequalities"
         msgstr "式,等式,不等式"

    Please note, the msgid line has no change.

    The below is translated po file.

    crowdin translated po file
    Figure 7.1. Translated po file
  8. Upload the po file.

    Note: translated po file's file extension must be .po.

    You can also upload the file partially. You need the header and some of the (msgid, msgstr) entries.

    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 8.1. Upload the po file 1
    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 8.2. Upload the po file 2: choosing the upload file.
    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 8.3. Uploading the po file: (This might take long.)
    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 8.4. Finished upload the po file.
  9. Check the uploaded strings.

    Use the proofread mode, you can check the uploaded entries are correct or not. When you remove the double quote, then upload would fail. But, such entries are usually just not translated.

    Here is the project page. You see the entry is now 100%

    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 9.1. Uploaded all the entries.
    crowdin upload po file
    Figure 9.2. Proofread with uploaded entries first.

In this way, the main task, at least the translation part has no waiting time.

Suggested solution for the crowdin slowness problem

It seems using non-O(n) algorithm to update the database. Since when the data size was smaller, it worked OK, but some data size exceeded, suddenly worked too slow. (But this is just an hypothesis.)

Solution suggestion

However, this will take time I presume. So, here is workaround solution.

YouTube transcript to srt file converter


Some of the Khan academy English subtitles are only available on YouTube, not on amara. Here the problem is we usually need a srt file for our translation work flow. However, YouTube provides Transcript as shown in the image below, and you can copy and paste as text.

YouTube Transcript Example

If we have a converter from this YouTube Transcript text to srt file format, we can translate the file and upload to amara.

This is a python script to do that. New BSD License. Anyone can use this script freely. I suggest to save this python script as '' since the following usage refers this script as '' (to make the explanation easier).w

A sample input/output of the script.

Input (YouTube Transcript format) Output (srt format)
 0:00Voiceover: The title of Thomas Piketty's book 
 0:02is Capital in the 21st Century.
 0:04It's probably worth having a conversation
 0:06about what capital is.
 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,000
 Voiceover: The title of Thomas Piketty's book 

 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,000
 is Capital in the 21st Century.

 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,000
 It's probably worth having a conversation

 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:10,000
 about what capital is.

How to use the script.

  1. Copy and paste 'Transcript' text from YouTube to a text file. (e.g., trans.txt)
  2. Run the script as following (Note: please use python 3) --infile trans.txt >

Known issues

Semi automate subtitle timing generation (srtconv use case 1)

Timing generation of a subtitle is time consuming work. If we can automated, or at least semi-automated, it could save time. I tried the following method and save up to half of the time so far with my work flow.

My case, I work on a srt file. I use amara or camtasia studio for subtitle timing generation. But this is basically a manual work. I have already dubbed video and translated text. So, I discuss with some friends and research a subtitle timing generation, then, I got a following idea.

Use YouTube transcript mechanism to generate the srt file.

So the basic technology is YouTube's transcript. The YouTube's transcript accepts a text file. And YouTube transcript sometimes cut the original text lines and make multiple lines, so the simplest method needs only two filters: srt to text filter, srt file subtitle line concatenations. This is just a simple text filter.

A semi-automated subtitle timing generation work flow

  1. Generate a text file from a srt file using An example command is: -i -o --outtype text
  2. Use YouTube transcript text function to generate subtitle timings.
  3. (optinal) Concatenate subtitle lines. -o --outtype srtcatline
  4. Use amara or Camtasia to fine tune the subtitle timing.

Tips: If you have any new idea for srt file filtering, this script has a simple srt file parser. You can use that parser as you like. The license is New BSD License, so you can freely use it.

Fix inconsistent subtitle timing information of a .srt file (srtconv use case 2)

We see some srt file has the following two time information problems. has a option --timeline rm_gap. This automatically fix the inconsistency and remove gaps. But there is a limitation. The algorithm only looks up the current subtitle line and the next one. Therefore, if the inconsistency is over than that this program casts an error. For example,

00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,000
The first subtitle start at 4 seconds, ended at 6 seconds.

00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:03,498
The second subtitle start at 2 seconds, ended at 3 seconds.

The program only can change the end of first subtitle timing, and cannot find the valid time in such case.

It is possible to write a code that keeps consistency globally, but then, this will change the start timing of subtitle line. This is usually not wanted. Thus, this time inversion case as in the example should be fixed manually.

The following Figures 1 and 2 show the result of this process.

subtitle with gap and inconsistency
Figure 1: Subtitles have gaps and inconsistency between lines.
Fixed gap and inconsistency
Figure 2: Automatically fixed gaps and time inconsistency between subtitle lines.

po file filter to extract untranslated entries

When a po file on crowdin has updated, you need to extract untranslated entries. This filter pofilter does the work. New BSD License. Anyone can use this script freely. I suggest to save this python script as '' since the following usage refers this script as '' (to make the explanation easier).

How to use the filter.

  1. Run the script as following (Note: please use python 3)
  2. Please refer help for other options.

Download captions with YouTube API

This is my use case. I need to download the English caption to localize the Khan academy education video. But YouTube video editor doesn't provide the download function for the captions which I don't own (at 2018-4-22(Sun)). However, it is convenient for internationalization volunteers to have a function to download a public captions of public videos. But, through the YouTube API, you can download the public video's public caption. Here is memo about that. But I am afraid to say I am not an expert of this are and some part would be missing of the following.

Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Hitoshi Yamauchi