Procmail memo for SpamAssassin

Keyword: Spam, SpamAssassin, Mew, Emacs

This is for next enviromnet.

Procmailrc example for SpamAssasin

# procmailrc 
# MAILDIR : This is mew default folder. If you use others, set this as properly
# logfile by month (
# ${MAILDIR}/procmail/ dir should exist.
LOGFILE=${MAILDIR}/procmail/log.`date +%y-%m`

# SpamAssassin filter 
# ${MAILDIR}/filteredspam/ dir should exist. MH format.
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes 

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*

Mail file format

And see man procmail, procmailrc, procmailex.

(The syntax of .procmailrc file is very hard...)

Using White list

Quick hacking for extracting Froms.

	find . -type f -print | xargs grep From: > wl.1
	gawk '{ gsub(".*From:[ |\t]+", "", $0); print $0; }' wl.1 > wl.2
	sort wl.2 | uniq > wl.3
	cp wl.3 wl.4; xemacs wl.4 # edit some 
	# "name" address
	gawk '{ gsub("\".*\"[ |\t]+", "", $0); print $0; }' wl.4 > wl.5
	# for mime
	gawk '{ gsub("^=.*=[ |\t]+", "", $0); print $0; }' wl.5 > wl.6

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