
Mersenne prime number

  1. 2: 2^2-1 = 3
  2. 3: 2^3-1 = 7
  3. 5: 2^5-1 = 31
  4. 7: 2^7-1 = 127
  5. 11: 2^11-1 = 2047 = 23 * 89 (composite number)
  6. 13: 2^13-1 = 8191
  7. 17: 2^17-1 = 131071
  8. 19: 2^19-1 = 524287
  9. ...
  10. 67: 2^67-1 = 147573952589676412927 = 193707721 * 761838257287 (composite number)
  11. ...

Amicable Numbers(Japanese:Shinwasuu, Yuusuu(Yuuaisuu))

The sum of factors is each other number.

  1. 220, 284
    220 = { 1 2 4 5 10 11 20 22 44 55 110 }
    (+ 1 2 4 5 10 11 20 22 44 55 110) -> 284
    284 = { 1 2 4 71 142 }
    (+ 1 2 4 71 142 ) -> 220
  2. 1184, 1210
  3. 17296, 18416
  4. 9437056, 9363584
  5. ...

Complete numbers (Perfect numbers)

The sum of factors is the original number.

  1. 6 : { 1 2 3 }, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
  2. 28 : { 1 2 4 7 14 }, 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28
  3. 496
  4. 8128
  5. 33550336
  6. ...

Ramanujan 1

Euler 1

These are prime numbers generating function. (Only in some range)

Fibonacci 1

The biography of Diophantus of Alexandria.

His boyhood lasted 1/6th of his life; he married after 1/7th more; his beard grew after 1/12th more, and his son was born 5 years later; the son lived to half his father's age, and the father died 4 years after the son.

(You know this is also a Diophantus equation.)

Copyright (C) 2003 YAMAUCHI Hitoshi